How To Create A Happy, Productive Workplace
People work best they feel good about themselves.
When people feel valued, have a sense of purpose, and believe they are making a difference they display a can-do-attitude that unlocks discretionary effort.
This virtual workshop identifies a range of strategies and techniques that managers and leaders can use to get the best from their people all day, every day.
In 90 minutes participants will learn how to build employee engagement by:
- understanding what makes people happy at work
- learning a simple step-by-step approach for delivering high performance
- understanding the importance of culture in fostering high workplace engagement
- becoming familiar with the 10 secrets of employee engagement.
Virtual Workshop Content
In this virtual workshop we explore what motivates people at work and participants are introduced to the 5R’s for High Performance in the workplace.
Participants take part in a very powerful breakout room activity to identify the 10 secrets of employee engagement.
The workshop highlights the 4 questions every team needs to ask of itself to ensure it performs at a high level.
This virtual workshop concludes by identifying the benefits that accrue from having a happy, productive workplace.
“People work best when they feel good about themselves.”
JJ Lynch, MD, Leading Edge Leadership