Train the Trainer
Course Summary:
The key purpose of a training event is to help people to learn. Learning is an active process – people learn best when they feel involved, can ask and answer questions, discuss, debate, try things out, work in teams, and reflect on and apply ideas. Great trainers understand how people learn, what stops them learning and how to create a stimulating learning environment. Great trainers are facilitators – they encourage and manage discussions, ask great questions, set up interesting activities and provide a truly engaging learning experience.
This practical-based, one-day programme is packed with tips and techniques to take your training to a whole new level. It is suitable for new and experienced trainers who want to avail of the latest thinking, delivery and facilitation approaches so that they can provide motivational, memorable and dynamic training courses.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course you will:
- be aware of the eight core competencies of a great trainer.
- understand how adults learn; how to cater for different learning styles; how to use learning logs.
- know how to structure a training event, set up and debrief group activities.
- be able to show flexibility in terms of – room layout, session timings, letting participants contribute within time constraints, how to handle difficult participants.
- be able to facilitate at an advanced level – the “right” questions to ask to promote discussion.
- be confident using modern visual aids – video clips, flip charts, PowerPoint, music.
Course Content:
One-Day Programme Format
Leading Edge Leadership’s one-day programmes are designed to make a powerful impact on what your people do and how they do it.
Our one-day face-to-face training programmes are scheduled from 9.30 am – 4.30 pm. We deliver all our one-day programmes as in-company programmes.
Our team of ten highly experienced trainers provide a truly engaging learning experience.
- Train the Trainer works best with a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 16 participants.
- We provide copies of the PPT slides and any handouts/profiles for each participant.
- This one-day face-to-face programme costs £1800 per day (plus VAT) – working out at £112.50 per attendee with 16 attendees.