How To Be Assertive
This workshop is designed to enable delegates to use a more confident approach when developing productive working relationships.
The workshop defines assertive behaviour and shows how assertiveness can assist in dealing with others and different situations. It encourages delegates to take responsibility for their own development, enabling them to communicate with more confidence and develop positive, assertive responses to a wide range of situations.
Participants will learn how to be assertive without being aggressive by:
- completing a self-evaluation How Assertive Are You?
- identifying what stops you from being assertive
- being aware of the effects of being unassertive
- learning how to express your ideas without feeling guilty or intimidated.
Face-to-Face Workshop Content
In this workshop we explore what we mean by assertiveness and participants are introduced to the four steps for being assertive – self-esteem, self-knowledge, respect for others, and clear communication. Each participant completes a short profile to identify his or her preferred conflict-handling style – aggressive, assertive or passive. The workshop concludes with participants learning a technique to be assertive without being aggressive.
“Assertiveness is a form of behaving in a mature way in a difficult situation”
JJ Lynch, MD, Leading Edge Leadership