How To Manage Remote Teams

This virtual workshop is designed to enable you to effectively manage your team from a distance.

In 90 minutes you will learn tips and techniques to enable you to remotely manage your team by:

  • understanding the importance of regular communication
  • knowing how to motivate individual team members
  • clarifying tasks, deliverables and deadlines
  • focusing on outcomes, not activity.

Virtual Workshop Content

In this virtual workshop we explore the added challenges brought about by managing remotely – how do I maintain contact with my team, how often should I be in touch with individual team members and with my team collectively, what should my expectations be, how do I ensure that individual team members remain motivated and that work gets done and productivity is maintained?

“Just because you are out of sight doesn’t mean you are out of mind.”

If you would like to talk to us about this or any other course
you are more than welcome to get in touch.

Call us on 01727 898 332 or email us at

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