How To Keep Things Simple

We live in a complex world. Data overload, 24/7 working, and too much choice. So it’s not easy to keep things simple.

Simplicity is elegant, beautiful, powerful. But it demands more energy, more time, and often more money.

Simplicity is the weapon of the few.

This virtual workshop shows you how to master the skill of simplicity.

In 90 minutes participants will learn how to simplify everything by:

  • Understanding that simplicity is a mindset
  • Reflecting on some great examples of simplicity from the worlds of business, sport and politics
  • The power of 3
  • We will learn a three-step structure for keeping things simple

Virtual Workshop Content

In this virtual workshop we explore some powerful examples of simplicity from Apple, Barack Obama and Leicester City FC.

Participants are introduced to the power of simplicity in everyday words, numbers and from the great rallying calls down the years.

The workshop focuses on the 5 steps for making simplicity happen – think brutal, think minimal, think iconic, think different, think ahead.

This virtual workshop concludes by identifying (and practising) some very simple techniques for keeping things simple in the workplace.

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”

Albert Einstein

If you would like to talk to us about this or any other course
you are more than welcome to get in touch.

Call us on 01727 898 332 or email us at

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