How To Develop Your Personal Brand

You are a brand – and you need to know what that brand stands for in order to boost your image and visibility. These aspects are essential components if you want to progress your career – outstanding performance is not enough for success.

This workshop enables participants to look at who they are and what they stand for – and how they can develop their personal brand.

Participants will learn how to develop their personal brand by:

  • acknowledging that you are a “brand”
  • deciding how you “want” to market yourself
  • understanding how you are perceived by others
  • knowing how to project your personal brand in 6 simple steps.

Face-to-Face Workshop Content

This workshop poses the question – “what makes you special?”

Each participant identifies one word to describe his or her personal brand.

The workshop looks at how the most successful businesses have built their success around their brand and explores what we mean by “personal brand”.

The 3 things that “people with impact” do are identified and the workshop looks at some of the actions/behaviours that can brand us.

In a very powerful practical activity each participant identifies how they would like to come across to others and how they actually come across to others.

The workshop concludes by learning the 6 steps for marketing your personal brand.

“If you think you are too small to make an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room.”

Anita Roddick, Founder, The Body Shop

If you would like to talk to us about this or any other course
you are more than welcome to get in touch.

Call us on 01727 898 332 or email us at

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