90-Minute In-House Virtual Workshop

(for up to 16 of your managers)

Are you planning to put management training in place in your organisation in 2025?

We would like to offer you a COMPLIMENTARY 90-minute virtual in-house workshop for up to 16 of your managers to experience at first hand our highly interactive, engaging, and practical style of training delivery/facilitation.

You can register your interest here to arrange an initial introductory call on Teams or Zoom:

Register Here

In the workshop, your managers will:

  • Identify their ONE biggest challenge currently as a manager.
  • Understand what the best managers do, know, say, see, hear, and look like.
  • Identify the TOP quality of an excellent manager.
  • Know the difference between managing and leading.
  • Know the FOUR questions every manager needs to ask of their team at least once a year.

This workshop is taken from our hugely popular two-day programme
The Highly Effective Manager.

This workshop is also the first of the 12 themes (Excelling as a Manager) in The Leading Edge Management Development Programme. This programme can be delivered over 6/9/12 months and allows you the flexibility to choose the topics that best suit the needs of your organisation or business.

“Before you become a manager, success is all about growing yourself; when you become a manager, success is all about growing others.”

Jack Welch (former CEO of General Electric)

How to Excel As A Manager_Seperator

If you would like to talk to us about this workshop
or any other course you are more than welcome to get in touch via:
01727 898 332 or email

If you would like to talk to us about this offer or any other courses
you are more than welcome to get in touch.

Call us on 01727 898 332 or email us at

Enhance your leadership and management skills with these courses.

The Highly Effective Leader

Highly effective leader 1

The Highly Effective Manager

Highly Manager

Quick Enquiry