How To Think Strategically

At its simplest, strategy is a method, a plan, or even a dream to bring about a desired future such as the achievement of a goal or the solution to a problem. When strategy, process, and leadership come together, the result can be magical because an inspiring vision with strategy is the beginning of great leadership.

In 90 minutes participants will learn how to think like a leader and see the bigger picture by:

  • Understanding what we mean by strategy
  • Identifying the key benefit of having a strategy
  • learning a 5-Step Model for turning strategy from theory into practice
  • being aware of the 2 secrets for communicating your strategy effectively.

Face-to-Face Workshop Content

In this workshop we identify what we mean by “strategy”.

In a practical group activity participants identify the No.1 benefit from having a strategy and they take part in a series of fun practical activities to test their strategic thinking.

The workshop focuses on a 5-Step Model for turning strategy from theory into practice and we look at good practice in each of the 5 steps.

The workshop concludes by looking at what we can learn from the strategy used by Barack Obama in his successful presidential re-election campaign in 2012.

“An inspiring vision with strategy is the beginning of great leadership.”

JJ Lynch, MD, Leading Edge Leadership

If you would like to talk to us about this or any other course
you are more than welcome to get in touch.

Call us on 01727 898 332 or email us at

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